Cant Stop Thinking About Your Big Ass – Carmela Clutch

Were always in here playing basketball but you never seem to play. Why is that? I mean, youre not bad at all! It doesnt matter though because my dad always makes sure Im taken care of. You know what would make me happy? If you could rub my feet for a few minutes before your girlfriend shows up later. Ive been wearing high heels for most of the day and now its cramping my toes. Just rub them real good and maybe Ill let you fuck me in the future… Dude! Where did you go? I was just getting into it with you. Dont you know what this is like to us? This is how we make money! Youre not going to leave me hanging while our house goes foreclosed are you? How many girls can you fuck at once anyway? I dont think that is a real thing. Cum here, my step-dad wont be home for hours and you have something to do with me that isnt on the internet. You know what I want you to do? Youre going to make me cum like no one else can. Youre going to fuck me so hard, just the way I like it! You will have the chance to fuck my step-mom later if you want but for now, I need this sooo badly…

Pornstars: Carmela Clutch