Tina was staying at a bed and breakfast after a long day of shopping and sightseeing in the city. The bed and breakfast owner was Johan Vilde, a good friend to all those on holiday in Sweden. He came home and she told him about her shopping spree and how she had bought some new lingerie for him as a thank-you for hosting her. She said that he should go get dressed because she wanted to see if he fit her gift. Johan was really surprised when she gave it to him, but when he tried it on he thought it looked great! He told Tina that he would wear it later in the evening and then they went out for dinner. When the pair returned back home from their meal Tina saw right away what had been missing while eating dinner – Johan’s cock was sticking straight up out of his pants! She was so turned on by this sight that she started to play with it right there in front of him before he even took off his clothes. He told her not to do anything until they got to their bedroom where he would have more room to move around. But when Tina saw how horny he already was, she just had to go ahead and suck on his cock some more while he tried to remain a lady of the house! When Johan started rubbing her pussy on her pussy Tina on her pussing on Tina on her pussy her pussy Tina his cock against her clit
099e Tina Köksscen – Johan Vilde
Johan Vilde
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