A Little Adventure – Fae Love

(c) 2014 Rating: PG13/explicit Pairing/characters: Fae, Xander, Willow, Giles, Buffy, Angel, Spike, Oz, Cordelia, Wesley, Faith, Kennedy, Robin Wood, Amy Madison, Jonathan Levinson, Parker Abrams, Sasha Hatley, and others. Disclaimer: I don't own them. They belong to Joss Whedon & 20th Century Fox. Author's Notes: This is a sequel to my story "I am My Lover's Keeper." It picks up where that one left off, and you will want to read that one first before this one makes sense. I wrote this after "Giles Returns" and "The Dark Age," so it takes place in Season 7, but it is not a direct sequel to either of those stories. This story has a happy ending for Fae (Faery Slut – Bella Sparkles), who you met in "I am My Lover's Keeper." I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, and thanks to my wonderful beta, Ravenclaw. Prologue: The Beginning of the End Chapter One – Good Luck to Me – 05/29/14 Chapter Two – A Second Date at Fangbangers – 06/03/14 Chapter Three – A New Girl in Town – 06/07/14

Pornstars: Fae Love