The reward system used for pets at doggy daycare is one of the most important parts of our program. The way we determine the frequency of a pup's play dates is through how well they do in our environment. We use a point system to award each pet, and this system helps us track their progress over time. It also keeps pet owners involved so you always know when your pup has done something awesome! The points are awarded on the following criteria: – Socialization – How well does your dog play with other dogs? If a pet shows an ability to read the body language of other pups, they will be rewarded. We also look at how much energy and happiness comes across their facial expression as we encourage them to play. If you are able to recognize what "calm" or "excited" looks like on your pup, this is a great way to help us understand when they need more down-time (ie nap!) while others need more play time. – Training – Does your pet follow our cues? We use hand signals to signal pups when it's time to take a break and switch up their play partners. If your pup is able to listen and come when we call, they get an extra point! – Manners – How well does your dog handle new environments or strangers? This is one of the most important criteria because this determines whether or not your pet will be accepted into our daycare program. What you need to know: 15 minutes off leash play time = 1 point We award points based on how much energy and happiness comes across their facial expression as we encourage them to play. If you are able to recognize what “calm” or “excited” looks like on your pup, this is a great way to help us understand when they need more down-time (ie nap!) while others need more play time. You will also receive an email with the points awarded and how much play time was earned. This way you know what rewards are coming up for your pet!
All Sorts Of Rewards – Sarah Taylor
Sarah Taylor
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