The Clean Up – The Official Egypt

You have to be careful when you get home late at night. You never know who might be out there in the dark, lurking around your house. It’s always smart to come to your house from a different door so the potential assailants are not aware of your presence. But this is what you do and it works well for you until this day. You open the back door and see someone sitting on your couch. She looks like she’s been waiting there all night, waiting for you. You can tell by the look on her face that she has something to say to you. What is this? Is this a joke? Are you fucking with me? You walk up to her and see it’s one of the hot new girls at work. Ohhh…. Ok….. I get it now. You were trying to be funny, but I thought someone broke in to our house and was going to rob us or something. We do work in a dangerous part of town so I guess this could have happened. You are sitting there in your underwear and she is wearing a long t-shirt and jeans. She starts off with small talk asking if you like your job. You tell her it’s ok, but you wish you had more time for your own stuff. She tells you that you don’t need to do so much work at home. She can help you out. She starts by rubbing your cock through your underwear. Then she pulls them down and starts sucking on your big black cock. You are surprised but not too surprised. She tells you it will be our little secret that no one needs to know about, which only means her assailants get to see her naked and she gets to suck your dick. But as the girl lays back and opens her legs for you, it looks like the best plan you have ever come up with.

Pornstars: The Official Egypt